A fierce violation of human rights and property has left the breeders of the Tcheki 03 village in this region mourning and angry. About 370 cows were savagely stolen by the FPIC militia, an action that has shaken the breeders’ community in the region and undermined their livelihood.
A crime against humanity
This massive theft represents more than just material theft. It is a sling against humanity and a blatant violation of human rights. according to the civil society of Baboa-bakoe. The breeders of Irumu are more than victims of cattle theft; they are now victims of social and economic injustice.
“The FPIC militia, which is supposed to guarantee the protection of citizens, has become a threat to the well-being and security of these same citizens” regrets civil society. It is unacceptable and scandalous that an armed group that is supposed to protect people’s rights is the one that violates them in such a brutal and inhumane way.
Call for action from the authorities
We demand that the authorities take immediate action to end this crisis. The breeders of Irumu, like all citizens, deserve to live in peace, without the constant fear of seeing their livelihood stolen by those who are supposed to protect them.
The anger and frustration of the breeders are justified. Their voice must be heard, their rights must be respected and their safety must be guaranteed. It is high time that the authorities act and put an end to this injustice.
A national cry
We urge the government to take concrete steps to penalize the guilty and to establish effective security systems to protect the breeders and their property. In addition, the victims must be compensated for their losses. It is imperative that meaningful actions be taken to ensure the safety of all citizens and restore trust in our institutions.
The editorial team